How to Add Your Ads/Google Adsense Below Your Post/Above Post Comment - Play Mall

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How to Add Your Ads/Google Adsense Below Your Post/Above Post Comment

How to Add Your Ads/Google Adsense Below Your Post/Above Post Comment Quick Tutorial.

Many Bloggers want to place their ads inside the every post. Why? It simply because CTR (Click-Through-Ratio) has the highest earning types in ads better than CPM ( Cost Per Mile).

So, Let's start.

Above Post Comments/Below Post 

1. Login to your Blogger Account.

2. Go to Template>Edit HTML

3. Find "post-footer-line-3" without quotes.

4. Go to Your Adsense Account or Admediaking, Chitika, Yllix, Krytoads, Get the Code.

5. Convert your Ads code to HTML via HTML Parse tool.



6. Copy Code the Paste above "post-footer-line-3"

7. Your Done! Enjoy Blogging


Below/End of Your Post

1. Login to your Blogger Account.

2. Go to Template>Edit HTML

3. Find "<data:post.body/> " without quotes.

4. Go to Your Adsense Account or AdmediakingChitikaYllixKrytoads, Get the Code.

5. Convert your Ads code to HTML via HTML Parse tool.



6. Copy Code the Paste below "<data:post.body/>"

7. Your Done! Enjoy Blogging


If you want to align it in the center of your blog just put <center> and </center>.

----Your Ad Here-----

Simply as is.. Enjoy Blogging.!

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